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Old August 2nd, 2005
Only A Hobo Only A Hobo is offline
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uploads is the number of times in a session that a successful upload has been made of that file followed by the number of attempts successful or not to make the upload. These numbers can get a bit high if the same hosts upload is periodically interrupted so they can be a bit missleading at times!

Hits is the number of times that file has shown up as one of the search results of other hosts

As for locations I am a little unsure, but It is most likely the number of locations other than your own who is sharing that file. I never look at that and especially in the incomplete section. some files read 1 and some zero. It seems to mean nothing. The licence question I have not a clue.

Bit rate is a measure of the quality of a file .. and without blinding you with science, (I wish) .. The higher the bit rate the better the quality. In practical terms for an mp3 a bitrate of 128 stereo/64 mono is about the lowest rate you can have and get reasonable quality. I feel that 192 is quite sufficient and gives me what I would call excellent sound but there are many other factors in the quality of a sound file, and others with vast Stereo systems who would wanter a higher bitrate. The dissadvantage of a high bit rate is that the file will be bigger for a higher bit rate and this will take longer to download and take up more space on your computer/mp3 player etc.

hope that clarifies things a bit ...
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