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Old August 13th, 2000
Neo_Geo Neo_Geo is offline
Join Date: June 25th, 2000
Posts: 12
Neo_Geo is flying high

Cyclo is right.... one thing that you need to remember about the entire Gnutella protocol is that it is open source. This is both a strength and a weakness.

It is a strength because lots of minds can improve it. (two heads are better than one, usually)

It is a weakness because anyone with some programming skill can make their own client do pretty much anything they want. Take the spammers for instance. It is pretty easy to return a false a search hit, connectection speed, or IP. In your case, anyone could simply create a client that told everyone else that it was sharing 10,000 files. Even if it was sharing 0 in reality.

All suggestions/changes should benefit everybody on the Gnutella net, no matter what their contibution. Else, it will never be accepted.

Keep in mind the Gnutella net is designed to be FREE in the first place.
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