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Old August 3rd, 2005
mac11 mac11 is offline
Join Date: August 3rd, 2005
Posts: 1
mac11 is flying high
Default Loading Incomplete Files

Unfortunately clicking "Resume" after highlighting a file in your Incomplete folder will resume the download FROM ZERO.
Any portion you've previously downloaded is gone and you have to start all over. VERY frustrating. How does WinMX load partial files and search for matches so easily???

The link in the Lord Of The Rings post does not work, and I just downloaded the newest version and it didn't help. My days to save Incompletes is set to 300 days.

I would buy the PRO version if I was assured that this wouldn;t happen but there's no Customer Service or Information/Support email to ask any questions before you buy.

Back to WinMX I guess....
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