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Old August 4th, 2005
Join Date: June 7th, 2005
Location: bATESVILLE, iN
Posts: 3
BARBARACAMPBELL is flying high
Angry Program distroying my computer speed

I can log on, start my down load then limewire quality starts dieing. Soon I have a down load with 6 or most host but 0%mb which means it is doing nothing. I have pro but it has mad no difference at all. My computer has to be defragmented everytime I log on because of the constant corrupted files. I has also caused a slow down in my internet e-mail service. It now takes me over an hour to open, read. and delete a message or a couple spams. I have call for support several times from technical and peers. I don't receive any any answers. I feel like I'm out here alone. But after seeing all the cries for help I am not, we just can't share our problems. I have spent a lot a money not only on this program but getting call forwarding, paying both my internet provider and the phone company monthly just to down load 3 CDs. I havent figured out how to upload yet and I have a masive music collection to share. Can someone please answer me.
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