Multiple downloads reset to 0 KB at the same time I've been having this problem recently. I have the latest version of LimeWire. When I'm downloading multiple files, the files start off downloading fine, but after a minute or so, they gradually go down to 0 KB simaltaneously and stay there. I usually hit "Pause" and "Resume" and the files either start downloading again or is waiting in line. This process usually repeats itself the whole time the files are downloading. A few things to note. This problem happens primarily with video files. Also, I recently got BellSouth DSL, and the problems began shortly after getting this service. Lastly, I tried the Fixes For LimeWire instructions to no avail. One interesting thing. I configured LimeWire to do a Manual Port Forward and tried using a few working V4/5 Socks Proxys. This did prevent the multiple downloads from going to 0 KB, but my download speed was greatly reduced. Any suggestions on what may be the cause of my problem and what I can do to fix it? Thanks. |