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Old August 5th, 2005
spydude017 spydude017 is offline
Join Date: August 5th, 2005
Posts: 1
spydude017 is flying high
Unhappy Owner's LimeWire Tunes help

I am sorry, but i have searched for different tips on the playlist in this forum, but i cannot find my answer. i have itunes, and limewire. for some reason, songs that i didnt download from limewire, like podcasts, have automatically gone to the file, "Owner's LimeWire Tunes". I even deleted some songs form my original library, but the songs are still available on the playlist. please help me, either, delete the "owners" playlist, tell me how to delete songs from it, or how to just delete itunes and reinstall it, with no library at all. thanks so much. it would be very appreciated, if you e-mail me *****, because i am way to confused right now to find your answers. thanks a lot----n

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Last edited by Lord of the Rings; August 6th, 2005 at 02:08 PM.
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