Still not getting success Whoa! I got a partial, finally. I got 59 seconds of the Zappa tune "Trouble Every Day" in 1.5MB. Suddenly, there it was. What chaos, though. 'Wrong filename, wrong file, but a partial (I had clicked on "Zappa...Pygmy Twylyte") 'Couldn't 2bl-click it or use QT Player but got it to play in SoundApp.
When I tried to download another, it created a file in the Public Folder, as I viewed (wrong song/name again), and just as quickly deleted it! 'Never got another partial.
But then, when I queued up some Neil Young, hours later, Mactella overwrote and ruined that 1.5MB Zappa file, with a (GASP!) DIFFERENT song name "Zappa...!ny Vegetables" and increased the file size to 6.7MB and it can NOT be read by SoundApp... and it presumably contains Neil Young in it, uh, right?
Not enough space for long names and too the confusion multiplies. |