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Old November 6th, 2001
LordChaos LordChaos is offline
Join Date: November 3rd, 2001
Location: Sydney, Australia
Posts: 4
LordChaos is flying high
Thumbs up Some of those are in the works :)

A search result refresh type feature is in the works (as I write this in fact I'm coding the callback
As for the limewire functionality - I'm looking into that.
As far as anti-freeloading goes I'm doing research. The best way to do this as far as I can see is to not propogate pongs with less than a predefined Kb limit... but then again - pongs can be spoofed, and it's exactly those ones we need to be looking out for... so what to do?

I guess It's time to run limewire some more and see what the fuss is about... Admittedly they have some good features from what I've seen...

Thanks for your suggestions
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