well, from my experiences, i am on a t1 line. and people download from me like crazy, i currently have 15 uploads with 10 other users queued. t1's and higher that are sharing massive amounts of files, may not be the fastest because of the tendancy for users to pick them over a dialup user or cable user.
so when you filter out other speeds, this could hurt your speed aswell. i recommend downloading the file with the most sources and highest bitrate.
t1 sources are usually clogged up because of the very high perception of users that "ill get the best speed from this guy". but actually you will get very low speeds from them. i usually see most uploads are generally around 10-15KB/s when i have a large number of other uploads active aswell.
so dont be discouraged from downloading from lower speeds, because they could be faster than that t1. and ya never know, some people advertise there connection is modem, but really its either cable, t1, or even t3. because they dont want people downloading from them. actually, if you set your speed to less than what it really is, it will decrease your download speed. this throttling is to keep people from lieing about there speed.
Last edited by ultracross; August 7th, 2005 at 12:37 AM.