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Old August 7th, 2005
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Grandpa Grandpa is offline
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et voilą why do you say that Avast is better than Norton the testing that I have done shows no difference in the two as far as detecting viruses and the Norton has a better user interface than Avast. When it comes to detecting spyware Norton beats Avast in that department. But that is what spyware detectors are for. Avast uses less memory than Norton about 50% no big deal LW uses as much as both combined. And yes on my main cpu I use both due to the fact it is the one I am on the p2p net. with most of the time and neither are 100% efficient all the time but if one misses something the other will catch it. No it doesn't slow my cpu down I have enough cpu and memory that it doesn't matter.On my wifes machine I use Norton, my laptop has Avast.
And I see you are a mac fan and we all know that the likelihood of getting a virus on mac is far less than if you are running windows. Due to the fact that not allot of hackers take the time to wright a virus for mac there is really no reason to, most of your corporations and people for that matter run windows not that windows is any better than mac. So I am guessing that this is a personal preference because in my test they both work about the same. The only difference I can find is one is a Cadillac and one is a Ford.

Nice party Lord looks like fun
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Later Grandpa

Last edited by Grandpa; August 7th, 2005 at 09:47 AM.
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