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Old August 7th, 2005
oppaker oppaker is offline
Join Date: July 27th, 2005
Location: Up North
Posts: 13
oppaker is flying high

Originally posted by ultracross
it doesnt matter which, basic or pro, updates and versions are the same for both. the pro version just gives you 20% more results compared to the basic and its speed constants are increased alot. but the main code in both versions are the same. if you have pro, update to the latest version, if you have basic, update to the latest version. do i have to spell that out?
First of all; Thanks. I've updated to 4.9.11 pro now.
When i first bought pro, it was version 4.8.1, even though i upgraded from basic 4.9.11,- that's the reason for the misunderstanding.
(I said this in my first post in the tread).
Second; There's no need to be rude. We don't all have English as our native language, and misunderstandings do happen, you know.
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