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Old August 8th, 2005
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Within iTunes, select the song & choose get info (or control+i) & you'll see in the Options section there is an ability to increase the volume. This is purely id3tag info & doesn't affect the file for burning, etc. It might also only apply to iTunes.

iTunes is a decent program to use especially since it has its own library. Many other players are simply reference players/playlist players. So if you delete or move the song the player won't be able to play it. Duh!

As for corrupt mp3's, another technique to discover them before you downld is here: T3 Spammers; mp3 Bit-Rates Versus File Sizes & the reason for these corrupt songs is here: Most Popular Songs R' Corrupt I don't think corrupt songs only applies to 128 kbps. It depends upon the source & noticeable if you compare the bit rate to the file size which indicates something is wrong. I've seen corrupt files at 320 kbps & lower.

It has been said there's mp3 fixes but these do NOT always fix these corrupt files. mp3 fixers: video-fixer =&postid=108757#post108757 which also fixes mp3's & also MP3RepairTool : =&postid=114904#post114904
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