Just checking in on..........
"I'll 1st need to check various video types in OS 9 within Mac Army Knife before I get back to you within the next few days."
Don't know if you have had any time to run those tests, Im now trying to figure out what I can do with complete files that show the icon there suppose to like: mpeg and avi, but have the file name OS 9ed at the end, I tried taking of the last 6 - 10 charactors and adding .avi .mpg or .mov
according to there icon, but it does not
work, what can I do if anything ?
"Remember that in OS 8 or 9 that the maximum length of a filename is 32 characters. Both Mac OS X & windows 2k & later allow longer filenames. OS 8-9 will shorten the name & thus cutting out the extension. So if you see such a file that looks like the name has been shortened, shorten the name. Also add back the extension. eg: let it.mp3 (instead of - let it have its own way to dAEHEHBHSI%#)
What's dAEHEHBHSI%#)? are you cussing? lol.
Im going to throw OS X on one of my externals so I can start up on that platform
If I like, Im hoping this will do away with most of these problems, do you have your OS 9 and X on the same drive or seperate ones?
Best KP |