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Old August 9th, 2005
ALimewireUser ALimewireUser is offline
Join Date: July 28th, 2005
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No, what I am saying is that if you burn them in MP3 format, not all CD players will read them. I'm not talking about CD-R or CD-RW, I'm saying that most CD players will not play MP3s as such, they need to be converted.

When you burn an audio disk, your burning software converts the MP3s to something similar to .wav and writes it to disk. This is also why an audio disk will only hold 80 minutes of music, the files that get written to an audio disk are of a specific size/second and only 80 minutes will fit on one disk, depending on the type of disk you are using.

Having said all that, many new CD players DO play MP3 disks. Those are great, because you can fit 12 hours of music or more onto one disk. If that is the type of player Freaky911 has, then he has a different issue. The file format, however, may be the simple answer to his question.

Last edited by ALimewireUser; August 9th, 2005 at 03:52 PM.
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