This may or may not help: See the following link & follow all the off-shoot links to find hints & extra skills to help solve your problem:
To continue files downlding (click on link) It might also be worth seeing the links here:
Downld/Upld Problems Sticky sftmb it might be worth deleting your LW preferences whilst LW is closed; if you're a windows user then see
Fixes for Limewire & there's animated examples at bottom of that page. (OSX prefs founds here: /Users/your_username/Library/Preferences/LimeWire) Make sure your maximum downlds is set to 1 or more, & also that your Days to keep Incomplete files is a high no. like 999. Also, be careful about clicking no to the licencing question & choosing always use that answer. That might be your problem. The normal way to undo that setting is either deleting the prefs folder or go to LW's menu Tools>Options>View>Popups & tick the Revert to Default option & press apply.
Revert Popups to Default