Thread: slow p2p DL
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Old August 10th, 2005
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Originally posted by maorifulla
ok. i've had a look at and made my ip a static ip (i think). how do you know if you have a static ip or not. i followed all the instructions except for 1. it has to do with the dns server.

(you should open this page in a new tab/browser before reading on.
near the bottom of the page)

under 'network connections' 'properties' 'general' 'Internet Protocol(TCP/IP)' 'properties' under the section 'Use the following DNS server Addresses' there are two boxes. there is the preferred dns server' and the 'alternate dns server'. in the example both boxes are filled and are different to the 'defult gateway' box. when i done my one i only had the one dns server, which i put in the 'preferred box', which was the same number as my 'default gateway'. i'm not sure if all this matters but after doing all this my connection to p2p/bittorent is still the same (very slow). my router is DSE(Dick Smith Electronics) XH1169, i use xp sp2, and have tried it with my firewalls diabled. i have also changed my ports to 50000 and above.

everythings is still the same. can someone help please. i have tried to post a comment on, but have had no response.
making your ip static is something you dont really have any control over (unless you buy it from your isp.) you dont need a static IP to get limewire to work. you just need some basic networking background knowledge to make it work very efficiently. i advise you to call up your isp and ask them if they are filtering or blocking p2p. this is probably the case.
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