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Old August 10th, 2005
cd998776 cd998776 is offline
Join Date: August 10th, 2005
Posts: 1
cd998776 is flying high
Default Opens/Starts Automatically?!

Everytime I log on/turn on my computer, Limewire starts automatically. I disconnect from it and close it and in less than two minutes it is open again! The only way I can get Limewire to close is buy downloading a file and then closing the program. When I do that, it doen't reopen until the next time I log on. It never did this until I upgraded to 4.8.1 and now it does it all the time. Can anyone make a recommendation as to what I can do to stop it perhaps.
I went through all of the options and all I could find was "run on system start up," but the box wasn't checked, so it shouldn't be starting automatically.
Thanks in advance for any help or insight you might be able to provide