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Old August 11th, 2005
ukbobboy01 ukbobboy01 is offline
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Default Why are newbies like wildebeests

Subtitle: Why do scam sites exist?

Dear Newbie

Let me answer that by giving a little natural history lesson, in nature the numbers of prey animals that exist have a direct relationship to the number of predator animals. For example, when the wildebeest of the Serengeti are plentiful you have a corresponding number of lions, crocodiles and other predatory animals. Likewise, when wildebeest numbers are small, relatively speaking, predator numbers fall.

Take your average newbie with a credit card, he is just as numerous and unthinking as wildebeests of the Serengeti, rushing headlong towards a predatory scam site as if his life depended on it.

But guess what, whereas the wildebeests have no choice newbies, being blessed with the power of “thinking”, do and could quite easily avoid scam sites if they just did a little bit of research and/or thought about what they were doing.

However, being easily dazzled by improbable adverts and claims of low cost “unlimited downloads”, something akin to the herd instinct takes over and thinking, along with common sense, goes out the window.

Predators exist because prey are numerous.

Likewise, scam sites are there because unthinking newbies are just as numerous and are on the internet throwing their money away, the more you have the more scam sites will arise to “share in this plentiful bounty”.

Why do scam sites exist, they exist because you do, dear Newbie.

UK Bob
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