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Old August 11th, 2005
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deepblue deepblue is offline
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Join Date: August 15th, 2003
Location: Colorado
Posts: 751
deepblue is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

The only thing that installing FireFox will change is your default browser. Upon installing the software you will be given the choice to import your information (favorites, cookies, what-not) from IE. Once you have FireFox installed go here to customize the browser (I reccomend checking out the Pimpzilla theme, its hella-cool!). I think that FireFox's market share is going to greatly increace after IE7 is released. Micro$oft, in hopes of turning more people on to upgrade to XP SP2, has decided to only have IE7 work with windoze XP with SP2. I think that is going to lose the browser war for Internet Explorer. If any of you are interested in promoting Mozilla/Firefox you should check out If you are using PG2 you need to allow HTTP (port 80) to get some websites to load. Good luck.

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