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  #17 (permalink)  
Old November 7th, 2001
Catd Catd is offline
Join Date: November 6th, 2001
Posts: 2
Catd is flying high
Default sent/received

Originally posted by Morgwen


Gnutella clients have a lot of search traffic!

900Mb? One day, one week or one month?

Its more than a day - no panic!

If its only one day... this is a lot for search traffic!

iv been downloading now for a +30 hours one big file trough XoloX. my ZA indicates ~4000MB sent and ~1000MB received. im not sharing any files at the moment (yea yea, im on 128ISDN also theres been almost 400 hits to ZA's "internet alerts", since i started XoloX.

at the same time ISDN indicates ~1G sent, 1G received.

and btw. now download has jumped from 96% to 64%... what the hell that means??

normal behavior?? looks like LOTS of sent files in ZA??
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