I got scammed by movieadvanced.com, luckily I only purchased a 1 year "subscription" for $19.99, AND paid by PayPal. I guess a tiny portion of my Id was still working in a dark corner, even as I succumbed to the primitive, greedy, lizard part of the brain.
Once I realized that I couldn't access anything beyond their new user login page, I did a search on them (Google) to see if anything negative started popping up. Eventually, I found this forum & thread, found out a lot.
I contacted PayPal about it, changed my password right away, and waited. That was last night. I just recieved an e-mail from PayPal that ClickBank has refunded my money.
BTW, I did do an initial search on them, but the pre-liminary search returns were all coming back positive. Live and Learn