The problems I have come across have not been a matter of my configuration, as it is the problem of some of these BETA's going from bad to worse. Browsing these forums would convince the most stalwart defender of LimeWire that there is a problem that goes beyond newbies. I put my LimeWire bug reports on "review before sending" and have had several sent by a program recognizing it was in trouble.
I'm not questionning your LW config, it only happens that LW has a hard time on your setup of internet connection/computer hardware

Browsing the forums here for bugs or complaints isn't really reflecting reality since most users only come here when they have issues. Knowing that there are more users of LW at the arrival of 4.9 compared to 4.8, I really think that the newest LW is stable enough. Keep in mind that there are 30 millions users of LW on a regular basis.
If criticism and subjective reporting of problems becomes an irritant and unappreciated, a program or any project for that matter, will die as so many other programs have up here. I have seen it happen too often.
Critics are appreciated as long as they are justified. I can certify that we are a tought forum here, we can take a lot of critics or else we would have died long ago. But unjustified critics are sure irritating.
Since your bugs seems specific to you, I'd invite you to try taking contact with Zab in PMs. If I were a dev I would certainly like to experience the bugs on your machine by VNC or remote control. You just have to set a VNC server, send the infos to Zab and he would surely figure out the bugs.
Anyway, even if you are not a dev, you should check the CVS changes so you know what's happening.