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Old August 13th, 2005
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u2btrfly u2btrfly is offline
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Question Error resolved

Hi there,

Et voila, I had Acrobat in my computer before Firefox. Do I have to uninstall and then reinstall from FF's sight?

UK Bob, I haven't started using Ghost Surf yet, so I haven't a clue how that got there, but it seems to have corrected itself. I never set up a proxy, so I was surprised that IE would give me that message. After all that you've said about proxies, Ghost Surf and all that, I'm going to have to be walking on thin ice with this one. Can I back up my system with Nero or something to restore in case I mess it up with Ghost Surf?

I must say again that the Optimize really worked with the registry. Maybe any kind of registry cleaner would have done the same, but to this newbie it was a life-saver in that situation with the printer.

Got a letter back from HP about the printer problem. They received my e-mail telling them that the problem was solved. In that letter Iwrote to them, however, I mentioned the fact that my "firewall" blocked their address. They most assuredly told me that they are not spyware. Hrmmmph.

Anyway, what about the Mozilla question? Any advice? I'm considering opening Thunderbird today and I was wondering should I just download the entire Mozilla Suite, or leave things like they are, with Firefox as the stand-alone browser with added Thunderbird?

Listen to me, I'm not talking so much like a newbie anymore LOL. I almost sound like I might be starting to actually learn and know things about all this computerese!
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