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Old August 14th, 2005
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cathodraytube cathodraytube is offline
Join Date: March 6th, 2005
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Posts: 342
cathodraytube is flying high

im tired of commercials in general....

not onley the corner ads that you sead , but allsow the crawlers at the bottom of the screen, the 5 or 6 five minit long commercal blocks in a 1 hr show, and the newest anoyence...the bloated rating marker at the start of every show....the reruns they show ETERNALY...everything...

i still dont get why there are even commercials on PAY TV at all...

not just TV....every radio station is FLOODED with commmercials....same story with the internet...

and the 100ft high billboreds every 10 feet along every ****** me off so much.

the last magazine i read was ALL ads ....i couldent find one artical or picture that wasent trying to sell somthing.

its like they suck the energy right out of ****ing sucks.
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