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Old August 15th, 2005
Guesty McGuesterton
Posts: n/a

Yes, I've had this problem with every video search I've performed recently. These things weren't so bad to begin with, but they now completely fill the search horizon . The result is that you get nothing but spam results, and the search is over before you find what you want.

For example, I searched for a video earlier and got 190 search results - that was fine, except that only one of them had any relevance to what I'd searched for. The rest didn't even feature my search query in the title, and they didn't have any additional info that appears when hovering the pointer over the file name.

It used to be that you'd only get a few spam results that featured the query you'd searched for, and then the real files; now it seems the spamming *******s have found a way to send a couple of hundred spam results regardless of what your query was. I have the newest free version of LimeWire, and someone I know has confirmed that it's the same with LimeWire Pro, which I believe is also the newest version.

This could all be stopped with the inclusion of a filesize filter of some kind, even a basic 'only show files larger than X MB' would work, no need for anything complicated. As it stands, the LimeWire network is being strangled by spamming assholes, and LimeWire Pro will become a thing of the past; No-one is going to want to pay for a program that does little besides spam them.
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