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Old August 15th, 2005
Jamison64 Jamison64 is offline
Join Date: August 15th, 2005
Location: Southern NH, U.S.
Posts: 2
Jamison64 is flying high

I think you can just go to your limewire library and look at the "path" column. That would be the path to get to your library and all of your media files. This is what I do: Right-click Start button (for Windows) go to Explore > Local Disc C: > Program Files > Limewire > Root. Then right-click music files and select "Burn CD in RealPlayer". This may work for you. I think it will. If not, maybe your path column reads differently. *Note* Sometimes certain media files in your library cannot be burned to a CD due to the format of the file with your media burning program. I can't get mine to burn videos but most music formats work fine. I hope this helps anyone confused with CD burning.
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