ok. well im gonna lay back on my bed and try to explain this very easy thing. viruses arer like the devil, the devil only tempts the users into doing something, he can never do anything but tempt that user. when the user is tempted enough to download this devil and "sell their soul to him" it is the users fault. the user had free will to download this file, or not. the user was tempted to download the file because of something called "spam and result replication" these files are either 1) auto generated to match the search request, or 2) preconcieved and packaged with the intent to tempt this user into downloading it. it is the requirement of the users on the network to prevent these viruses from spreading. but damn, there are alot of dumbasses out there. ALOT! (mostly kazaa migration

) but the first step to prevention is education.
(sorry if there is alot of misspellings, im not even looking at the screen or my keyboard while i was typing this, actually i am looking at the monitor but its 5 feet away and on the floor so i can only tell when i make big typo mistakes.
