Thread: please HELP!!!
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Old August 18th, 2005
Only A Hobo Only A Hobo is offline
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It might depend on which LW you are using there are 3 models in common circulation. The following might help you solve your problem as you are not giving a great deal to go on. You need to now for instance that you are actually connected to The Gnutalla network before all else I don't wish to seem unhelpful but a thread entitled "Help" is not one that will get the audience flocking!

Have a good look through the manual, and someone here will be happy to answer a more detailed question

From Forum Rules:

Before you post to one of the specific Client Help and Support Conferences in Gnutella Client Forums please look through other threads that may answer your questions. Most problems are not new. The Search function is most useful.
If your problem is not resolved by a search of the forums, please take the next step and post in the appropriate forum. There are many members who will be glad to help.
If you are new to the world of file sharing please do not be shy! Everyone was ‘new’ when they first started.

When posting, please include details for:
 Your Operating System
 Your version of your Gnutella Client
 Your Internet connection (56K, Cable, DSL)
 The exact error message, if one pops up
 Any other relevant information that you think may help
 Try to make your post descriptive, specific, and clear so members can quickly and efficiently help you
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