hmm......... you are saying that you get an icon on your desktop entitled LimeWireSoftOSX [Is there an extention??? and what does it look like...??It shoud be a harddrive on a sheet of curled up paper] What you should have is one called LimeWireOSX.dmg and this should appear in your download manager window when you select the save location.
I have just downaded the file myself wih no problems.
My first action would be to Delete that file. D/l a fresh copy from
( not from a link you may have used)
Can you try Ctrl/clicking it >open with DiscImageMounter .. which should be the default for that file.
Is this your firsttime with LW??
Did you get it from
And did you pay for it? and are you on OSX or 9/Classic and did you D/L the correct one?
If you sort it out PLEASE come back and tell us wow you did it