I use Norton products and, especially, I have used NIS 2003 and currently use NIS 2005, I may have the answer to your problem.
First of all you say:
No problems in the first 3 months....now all of a sudden I keep seeing this message: SYSTEM STATUS: URGENT ATTENTION
Now, if your NIS 2004 came with a new computer then you will only have 90 days free use, the "Urgent Attention" message is telling you to renew your subscription in order to continue to receive anti-virus and firewall updates.
There is another possibility, it is possible that you got some form of malware (Trojan, virus, worm) that has got into your PC and disabled your Nortons. This happened to me when I left my teenage son with my PC surfing the net one Friday night. He either surfed somewhere he was not suppose to or downloaded something. Either way it attacked and disabled my NIS 2003, I had to delete my NIS, making sure that I left the settings intact, and then reinstall everything. That worked, I got my solution from the Symantec knowledgebase.
Finally, it would be a good idea to get to know your software by downloading the manual and having a read through it.
UK Bob