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Old August 19th, 2005
midnight_blue midnight_blue is offline
Gnutella Jewel
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Default Re: After downloading, why is it not going to Windows Media Player

Originally posted by Tamiarl
I really need help.

1. After downloading the music, why is not going to my Windows Media Player.
2. I have download all my CD's on to Windows Media Player and want to share with everyone, how do I do this.
3. After dowloading the music just stays on the downloading page, and the page is just growing so big.

I am very new at this.

I'll answer these one point at a time. Let me know if I've misunderstood what it is your asking.

First, can I assume you're referring to two sets of music filesd held in two locations?

1. your downloads folder, which is the default folder you download (save) all your files you download from LW

2. your normal folder where anything you burn from your CDs to Windows Media Player (WMP) gets stored? The default location of this is normally C:\Documents and settings\UserName\My Documents\
My Music

If I've got this bit correct...

I'll deal with the questions you ask...

Point 1 - you need to update the files windows media player (WMP) holds in its information file (ie the library) - when you add a file (an mp3 etc) to your computer it isn't automatically added to the WMP library UNLESS you add it directly via WMP.

To add the files to WMP simply do this:

start up WMP. Click on Tools -> Search For Media Files -> choose first option (for speed). All the files you downloaded from LW will now be in the WMP library.

Point 2. If you want to share files on LW you need to transfer the files you wish to share to a folder you are sharing on LW - again by default this will be the shared LimeWire folder. You could add the folder I mentioned above in My Documents/My Music as a folder you share on LW but you don't want to share TOO much - you could attract the attention of the RIAA if you go overboard.

Point 3. If you don't want all the music you download to stay in your downloads folder then move it to the folder I mentioned above, your default my documents\my music folder.

In fact my advice (if I haven't confused you enough with all the above!) is to do things in this order:

1. transfer ALL the files from your downloads folder to your default my documents\my music folder.

2. COPY the files you want to share to your default shared folder on LW (check this out in LW options)

3. Then start up WMP and update your library as I explained at the start.

4. when you download in future, manage your folders as above.

I hope this isn't too confusing, it's easy for me to understand what I've written because I know how to do it, but for a computer novice it may not be easy.

If you have any questions, just post back.

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