I have been running in Leaf for about 12 hrs now using port forward 6346 still have the same problem of having to reset the router speed test dropped from 570kb DL & 45kb UL to 90kb DL & 45kb UL. I no longer believe this is a UPnP issue due to the fact that I have not run in UPnP for the last 24hrs. LW was still able to DL at 500+ even after speed test said 90kb DL but INTERNET and gaming came to a crewel normally it takes about 2sec for a page to load and it was taking 15 to 30sec. I did not notice any real difference in my CPU speed opening programs and using them I did some photo editing with Adobe photoshop CS 2 on a 11mb tiff photo to check CPU performance an there was no noticeable difference in performance. After resetting router all is fine speed test back to normal Internet back to normal.
Any way search results good DL good 500+ on groups of 15 to 20 simultaneous DL and I did allot of DL of rare files surprisingly no corrupt files and all completed. I did have one fle that was 98% complete and when saying need more sources and when I hit resume went back to 0% and started over more on that in the link below. Memory usage was a little bit higher than I normally see in Leaf 68MB but that could have to do with the number of searches I did and # of files DL 200.
I did not have any Idle disconnect problems this time when I got up this morning it showed LW had 1 connection for 12hrs and the other 4 connected within a few seconds of waking it up.
In conclusion 4.9.24 has had the least amount of problems for me that I have seen in a while. Keep it up guys and I will do my best to try and break it

looking forward to the next beta.