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Old August 22nd, 2005
xstardustx xstardustx is offline
Join Date: August 22nd, 2005
Posts: 2
xstardustx is flying high
Default Firewall problems

I updated to the newer version of LimeWire the other day, but when I opened it, this is what I got: "LimeWire was unable to initialize and start. This is usually due to a firewall program blocking LimeWire's access to the internet or loopback connections on the local machine. Please allow LimeWire access to the internet and restart LimeWire." Now, I had never really had any firewall problems with the older version so why am I having them now? The weird thing was, yesterday I tried to open it again (I had tried this a LOT) and it worked. Later when I had to restart my computer I tried to open it again and I got the same message about the firewall. I followed the directions to open up ports and all that in the Windows Firewall but it didn't work and I don't know what else to do.
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