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Old August 23rd, 2005
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deacon72 deacon72 is offline
Nam Vets Forever
Join Date: July 9th, 2003
Location: Ohio
Posts: 280
deacon72 is flying high

If you can run a stack trace it would seem to me you would know where the system tray is. But anywho......ctrl/alt/del.....Task Manager. LimeWire Listed?? Processess...Is LimeWire Listed. If listed, end task.

Perform search (Right click MY COMPUTER) for LimeWire.
Delete entries.

Go to your mailbox and get your email from LimeWire. There is your page for PRO> If Not go to

and get the basic.

Anything goes wrong from there ask your DAD for help. He may not want you on here.

A father of 5.
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