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Old August 24th, 2005
Sgt Sgt is offline
Gnutella Muse
Join Date: August 24th, 2005
Location: Not Where I'd Liked To
Posts: 225
Sgt is flying high

Sorry folks may may wrong forum, new to this

But thing iv'e noticed is that when you try to download most movies pg2 ie Peer Guardian 2 goes wild and blocks lots of Ips, I've had them from Ford, who figures? Also the RIAA and the movie people can't remember their des at this moment.

Most Of The Movies search reults On the P2P network have now been taken over by these official spamers, as well as the mp3, you really have to search for what you want, ie repeat it at least 8-9 times to get diffrent results, also look at the film size, good films are about over 400MB, anything less is usually rubbish.

Keep Away from wma, wmv files, I've tried a quite a few networks and most of the time their rubbish files, I always check my files when I Download and name and date them when possible. To date and name them I use the Id3 tag files, because most Spammers don't bother with the id3 tags, usually filling them with rubbish, where as I only put artist, title of song and date like most people usually do.

Also If you download an mpg and windows media player says wrong ext but if you want to try it anyway say no, When I tried it media player was trying to access the internet. When i said no
and renamed the files the extenstion to wmv instead of mpg
the file was totall rubbish, ie ads for porn, ads for ipod

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