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Old August 24th, 2005
mslilly mslilly is offline
Join Date: August 21st, 2005
Posts: 8
mslilly is flying high
Arrow I'm not really sure what arne_bab

Meant by his post - "limette god"? If you are speaking of my God, the G is CAPITALIZED! Haha.

Well, I wasn't sure if I was allowed to say where I download my music, so I didn't post....but since you all ask, the website is here ... ---- and it's truly awesome. VERY FAST, I was very surprised when I signed up how quick the music downloads, and how fast it found the songs/artists I was looking for. I found this link off of a Christian music countdown site ... and again, was very happy with how it worked. I've used the other one acres? I think that's the name, and well, it doesn't even compare to this one. I was amazed at how it found NEW songs ... I love it! It isn't free though, I think I paid like $22 forever!! If you order it, just be careful and read the places to check, cause they'll add $9.95 for some sorta extra stuff, and well I wasn't paying attention, and they charged me for it, however, when I called them, they said it's ok, and they removed that fee! It's not just Christian music either .. it's everything!

The other program I have in my pc is winmix - I downloaded that ages ago when it was free, and still can find music on it... but the 360share is tremondously better than this even. Never ever downloaded corrupt files!

Hope this helps!!

And arne_bab - thanks but no thanks, I'll stick to my Christian music!! Have you ever listened to it lately? It's truly not boring! Contemporary Christian is very good music!!

Thanks you guys!!

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