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Old November 11th, 2001
zoomcrackers zoomcrackers is offline
Join Date: November 11th, 2001
Posts: 2
zoomcrackers is flying high
Default random sharing violations?

I'm having an obnoxious problem, and I narrowed it down to Limewire-- when it's running, I can't move or rename certain files in the shared directories. I get the windows error: "sharing violation: the source or destination file may be in use". Not all the files, but always the same ones-- about 75% of the total in the shared directories. If I exit limewire, the problem goes away.

I'd love to share all my files all the time, but I occasionally need to make changes, and I don't want to have to exit and restart limewire every time I want to rename something.

Anybody else have this trouble?

i'm running limewire 1.8 on win2k 5.00.

Last edited by zoomcrackers; November 11th, 2001 at 11:47 AM.
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