Here to a discussion, which went heavily offtopic
I'm copying all the offtopic-text here and I'm editing it out of my own messages, please do the same, mslilly.
Original Thread:
How that OT came to be...
mslilly: I have downloaded two programs I share p2p with, and never have downloaded any files with viruses, and I have tons of MUSIC!! Of course it's Christian music, maybe that's why?
arne_bab: @mslilly: Since I know of no reason, why you should have these problems only with LW (except, that you might have been cursed by the great limette god), might you please tell us, what program you where so satisfied with (except if is te iTunes Music Store).
Besides: There's a ton of great pagan music out there, which you might want to check out
mslilly: Meant by his post - "limette god"? If you are speaking of my God, the G is CAPITALIZED! Haha.
And arne_bab - thanks but no thanks, I'll stick to my Christian music!! Have you ever listened to it lately? It's truly not boring! Contemporary Christian is very good music!!
ultracross: btw mslilly, im lobbying at limewire to add the christian/christian rock genre's to the genre search.
My personal favorite christian rock bands include but not limited to: jars of clay, audio adrenaline and relient k.
arne_bab: If you add christian, than please add pagan and jewish and similar.
It's all one breed.
@mslilly: I don't capitalize gods, normally, except when writing german (its a noun, thus capitalized).
I don't know, what a god is, so no reason to treat it any different than any other being or nonbeing.
Besides: There are so many gods out there (and every one of them gets capitalized by its believers) that I see no reason to treat your god especially..
The only difference is, maybe, the great Murphy
ukbobboy01: I don't know about the great MURPHY but I do know about Murphy's Law (also known as Sod's Law), which states:
Whatever can go wrong will go wrong.
Plain, simple and always true.
UK Bob
arne_bab: That's the one I mean
mslilly: Oh wow, Ultracross!! WAY COOL! I love Jars of Clay!! How bout Third Day????
Sorry, I'm am off the subject here, but I get emails when you guys post to my original message.
Thanks Dagam3 ... haha, the statement "whatever can go wrong will go wrong" SO TRUE. But I don't let that bother me any! Well, I try not to!!
And well, I didn't know about the "known scam sites" ... the icon on my desk top is actually getanysong from 360shares? And well, it's worked for me, and they were nothing but pleasant. Maybe it was my Norton that caused the error messages? But it only did it on software, the music downloaded was just a lot of junk that showed up ... porn.... and such, I HATE PORN!
Oh and arne_bab, I really really do not want to get off the subject here either ... however, I do have to say this ... and I do NOT WANT TO EVEN GO INTO PREACHING HERE ON THIS BOARD ...hahaha, but it's here on my heart, and I'll hand it to you to think about, SCRIPTURE says: Romans 14:11 - for it is written, "As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall give praise to God." God gives everyone a will - choice ... God says you may believe what you will ... however, AS FOR ME AND MY HOUSE ... (LOL so the song says) I believe in God, Heaven and Hell, and my soul is definitely not going to HELL. Give God a chance. You might like it! He'll truly let you know who he is ... my life has been truly blessed for sure! Want to read more - I have some fantastic LINKS!
Sorry everyone. Really I am. LOL ... I really have enjoyed reading all the post ... everyone has been very helpful and kind to me!! LOL
arne_bab: About that God of yours: Sorry to disappoint you. I know how it feels, when an angel appears, and I know how it feels when people pray to god, and when they enfold themselves in their faith.
But it isn't mine, and if it is yours, then be glad about it and use that faith to keep yourself glad, it can be a source of power.
But please realize, that there are some, who decide not to go that one-sided path, and who do know their dark side, too, and know, that it is an important part of them.
And besides: There is an old woman with a third eye on her forhead who knows the potions of nature and the nature of humankind, and she would simply call you a hypocrite, if only because you say you won't go preaching and then do it nonetheless.
That old lady is a character of the farscape series, if you didn't recognize her
(Heck, I like this discussion

Besides again: Hate is the emotion which destroys your peace. You should be a tad more careful with its use, if you call yourself a christian (except if you want to start the crusades and the witch-burning again, which already put a stain on christianity for a very long time, you'd have to face my wrath, though, if you'd begin the second one, since some very good friends of mine are witches).
And to go back to the other side (far too much talk only of that God):
Morrigan ancient Crown of War, I see your Face I cry no more,
Morrigan ancient Crown of War, Come take me on your Wings
Morrigan ancient Crown of War, I see your Face I breath no more,
Morrigan ancient Crown of War, Come set my spirit Free!
"Though shallst not enforce slavery with the words of freedom, and though shallst not disguise freedom as slavery to only one master."
- The Hawk on the verge of posting
(aye, hawk is the meaning of my name )
Dagam3: So now it's working fine...(may I understand...) I'm new arround here and every time I read this threads, I read them only to find out solutions to the problems that may appear...
arne_bab: @Dagam3: I'll start a thread for this offtopoc in the lounge. Sorry to have taken your time with it.
Which has happened