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Old August 26th, 2005
robinhoodless robinhoodless is offline
Join Date: August 26th, 2005
Location: Brighton-England
Posts: 4
robinhoodless is flying high
Default new 2 mac/limewire - have a few questions!!

hi. can someone explain a few things.... when i search something there appears to be more available in the title box than actually in the window. eg search on say "elvis" says there's 850 files, but when i scroll through the window there's only 450. in the second column in, there's sometimes a number. am i right to think this is the number of users who have this file, explaining why there's more on the title bar than the window?

if thats the case, how do i browse a particular user? and is there an option to only search users with available slots(and can limewire use multiple slots per user?)

also, in connections, where do i find out ip's so i connect to another host? how many hosts can i connect to at any one time? and whats the best hosts to connect to?

i've opened up the chat column in my download queue but it's pretty quiet. i've enabled chat in preferences too. and i can't find a text bar to actually say anything myself. so how does that work?

and finally, phew...!! thanks for any help. much appreciated
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