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Old August 26th, 2005
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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Yes your guess is right. The no.'s under the # column represents how many sources (other people) your search found that have that same file. So if you add all those no.'s up, it will equal the total found in the search result.

On Mac, use Control-click on a user to find a Browse or Chat option. It is much easier to browse those that have chat enabled. You should put this column into view so you know who has chat enabled. See the following link & follow all the off-shoot links to find hints & extra skills to help solve your problem: To continue files downlding (click on link) & a lot of your answers are there (just keep clicking the links.) To chat, click into the bottom part of the chat window & start typing & press Send message.

Direct connect is better if you already have the ip such as from a friend or from a previous browse.

How many hosts can you connect to at one time? Um .. not sure. lol The question is a little broad. LW Basic connects to 3 peers & Pro connects to 5, but that's only for connecting to the Gnutella network. As far as how many files you can downld at one time, you can set this under LW Preferences>Downlds>Max Downld slots. Whether this is from one person or more depends on your choices. Of course you'd need a good fast bandwidth to downld many files simultaneously. Yes you can downld many from one user "IF" they have free upload slots & they have enough upld bandwidth left over. (1 slot per file.)
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