Seems the Phex forum is one of the few that people get answers in. Go Phex!
I tried SwapNut and liked it. The interface is very easy to use, the only problem is that nobody logs on. Since Phex seems to have a few users, and I can get files, I'll stick with it.
I do have a few questions though. #1 is how to exit the program. The only way that works for me is C-A-D. Without that, the Phex screen will never go away.
#2, I seem to be downloading, but the downloads aren't showing in the downloads box anymore. What happened?
#3, At the bottom of the screen, it says Downloads: 0,3. Does this mean that I have successfully downloaded 3 files with 0 remaining? Vice-versa?
#4, What does that Statistics window do? Never seen it active.
#5, In Configure Net Parameters, should I Export my Host IP AS? How do I do that?
#6, How does TTL work? What is TTL (Time To Live)?
#7, What is the dif between a passive search and a regular search?
That's probably enough dumb questions for 1 message. Maybe too many. I imagine there are others out there that want to know too though.
Thanx for any answers - correct or close enough!

BTW- Thanx for the Control -v paste sugg! Worked great!