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Old August 27th, 2005
edward54 edward54 is offline
Join Date: August 26th, 2005
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Default Re: Internet Security

Originally posted by ukbobboy01
Dear Hobo & Edward54

Whereas in most circumstances I agree wholeheartedly with Hobo's postings there is one little bit I have a problem with:

You must have miss my recent posting, containing a URL link to the BBC news website, about a server harvesting PC user's IDs and financial details. You see, it's not just hackers you have to worry about but booby traps hidden in web pages set by criminals that want your information.

Here is the latest on the story:

So, don't worry but be careful.

Edward, sorry you got scammed but that's the price you pay for rushing in without first looking, i.e. doing a little research.

However, you said:
I strongly disagree with that statement, you forget that in the recent past, when our newspapers were in bed with our politicians, we were told lies upon lies because as simple people (the population of this country) it was felt that we couldn't handle the truth.

However, since the advent of the internet it has been much harder for our politicians and the government to lie to us and get away with it.

Having real information is enpowering and I feel that we have become enpowered and freer since the popularity of computers and the internet has taken off. We are much more able, in the history of this country, to fully take part in the democratic process because we now can find out what is really going on.

So, all in all, getting rid of our computers would be like getting rid of all motorised transport, i.e. stepping back into the bad old days.

Anyway, I feel that computers have done more good for mankind than it has done harm, without it the majority of us would still be in the information dark ages.

UK Bob

I harboured similar reservations about Hobo's advice, but chose not to air them since others know more than me about these things. He is to a large degree correct in what he says however. There are pluses and minuses to all technological advances Bob. So far as our masters are concerned the major drawback is the free flow of information, which they've had little success in staunching so far. Soon, however, they will compel ISPs to install black boxes as standard (national security of course).

You know in spite of all I've said I do wonder if the wonders of the internet are not greatly exaggerated. Politically unacceptable opinion is easily suffocated. All the controlled media have to do is ignore it, pretend it doesn't exist, deny it the publicity it seeks. After all people get their information about what is going on in the world from television, not the internet. Control terrestrial and satellite outlets and you control how people think. I agree about newspapers being in bed with politicans, but I doubt the world wide web has done anything to alter that particular arrangement.

Look before you leap is good advice. That's the problem. I DID look. I looked and found nothing untoward, nothing to indicate that installing the software meant agreeing to file-sharing. I'd have stepped back at once had I done so. So would most others, which is probably why they don't draw attention to it until your money is safely in their bank account.
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