I have no problem agreeing with your first two paragraphs, we have touched on a complex subject for which there is no definitive answer, i.e. the role computers and the internet play in modern society. Personally, I think that the use computers are put to is dependent on how much the person running the keyboard wants to know. If all he wants to do is play games then that is what he will do. But if he seeks knowledge then he will find that too.
However, Edward, you were the victim of a scam site, that is you paid for something that is free. You said that you did your research but I guess, as an inexperienced internet user, you looked in the wrong place for your information.
For example, never buy any software via the internet unless you can try it for 15 - 30 days free of charge, if you're asked for fanancial information you abandon the transaction.
I do all my shopping via the internet including software, furniture, kitchen appliances and most things that I own. Using the internet can be safe if you take the necessary precautions and keep your PC clean of all the spyware, keyloggers and diallers that your PC picks up while surfing.
So, in other words, I think that your inexperience got the better of you this time but if you gain the knowledge you need using the internet will become like crossing the road.
Until next time.
UK Bob
Last edited by ukbobboy01; August 27th, 2005 at 04:43 PM.