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  #284 (permalink)  
Old August 28th, 2005
Posts: n/a

These are more in the nature of "bug fix requests" actually, and involve nuisance behaviors of the UI.

1. When there's a selection, and items in the selection move, the view shouldn't jump if there are still selected items in view. Currently it will jump unpredictably to different parts of the selection.

2. When there's a selection and it contains items that need more sources, await sources, or are busy, the Resume/Find Sources button should not be greyed out. Currently, if there are selected items connecting, downloading, or waiting in line, as well as at least one item that is not doing any of the above, it will sometimes be greyed out and sometimes not. If there is any item that is resumable it should not be.

Incidentally, what does the status "Locating Sources..." mean? I see this occasionally right after selecting to download some search results. Usually the item that shows this does so for a few seconds and then shows "Need More Sources". Also, what is with search results that "need more sources" right away anyway? Isn't that supposed to mean Limewire doesn't know of any hosts on the network that have the file? But it does -- the one that returned the search hit 2 minutes ago. In the worst case, that host might be busy. So any batch of fresh search results you go to download should end up in some mixture of connecting, busy, waiting in line, and downloading states, in theory. In practise this doesn't happen -- apparently because there are hosts on the network that return search results for files that don't exist, or that they don't actually have? Or hosts that exist for the purpose of sending search hits, but do not exist for the purpose of actually uploading files? That is bogus -- a host should report a busy signal, not pretend not to exist, if it won't or can't immediately honor a download request for a file that it does have, and it should not return search results referring to files that it does not have.
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