hi thewingfinger,
first wellcome to xolox . you'll see , when it works it's a great prog
i think that to solve your problems with downloading you have to open two files in your xolox folder (temp & downloads).
i'm posting again my old thread on this subject , because it seems people can't have access to it by a shortcut.so here it is.
i think number 4 is what you have to do .
solution for ' filestream error-->1 , ect.
i'm sorry that you good people couldn't access the attachement for some reason.in order to satisfy all questions on this subject i'm posting it again as it was.
solution for network & filestream probs !!
At first v1.11 was great for me. as i installed v1.12,nothing seemed to work.it began with filestream error than connection errors..
because i tried alot fileshare progs and finally fell in love with xolox,i stubbornly read all threads & forums on this subject to find a solution.
finally i acted as follows & since than xolox seems to work as before.i hope it will stay stable.
1) first i erased all files that were related to xolox from my system than defragmented all hard drives on my comp..
2)than d/l and installed xolox v1.12 , but i didn't run it.
3)i d/l hostslist.txt file from Pasman's thread on this subject , to the xolox directory(fixes connection errors).
4) i opened two files in the xolox directory(fixes filestream errors).
the first ' temp ' & the second ' downloads '.
after all that xolox runs like a race car.
except that , after i disconnect from the net & reconnect i got no more search results , though i may d/l as before from old searches . to be able to search again(after i got connected to the net)i have to shut down completely xolox and log on again , than it works as before. any solutions?
i want to thank for this Pasman , The Seeker , Moak and many great friends like them .
suggestion to the developers; the next version must be 'plug &play' if i may say.without the fuss and the bugs that are so annoying.
keep on with the good work , and thanks again.
good luck & have fun
ps.write back if it works. i need the feedback (aren't we all). |