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Old August 28th, 2005
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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Well I'm not sure what you've done but it looks like your downld preferences have become corrupted. On OSX I can only guess it's happened via a severe comp crash or you've backdated your version of LW. There's nothing you can do to allow them to start above 0%.

Changing your settings to default, well if your saving location was already set to default then that shouldn't have made any difference. If you moved the location of the saving folder, then close LW, & find the older incomplete folder & put the old incompletes into the new one. Most important are the download.dat & bak files which hold the info of downld progress. I can only guess that you tried moving these files whilst LW was open. If you have a backup copy of those 2 files, download.dat & bak & replace the newer ones with them (whilst LW is closed.)
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