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Old August 28th, 2005
calstylin calstylin is offline
Join Date: August 24th, 2005
Posts: 13
calstylin is flying high

just a little recap on what's going on....i was just sitting here...wondering why i can't download at fast speeds.

something told me to try a search on charter cable...which is my internet provider.

I could not believe what came up....some posts were from 2001!

They "Charter" have been black listing isp's...that is why the downloads only get up to 20kbs and then back down to 0kbs.

they have even threatened some of the gnuetella network users that they would turn them in to the police...really shitty stuff if you ask me...

I called them up to see if they were blocking p2p and they said they don't block or filter...which I truely believe is a lie...

thanks for all the help from everyone...let me know if there is more I can do because I do love my limewire!!!
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