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Old August 29th, 2005
ukbobboy01 ukbobboy01 is offline
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Default Attacks while in this forum


I am not surprised, I have been attacked with a possible Trojan before while browsing this forum and, believe it or not, I was just now attacked again. But, like you, I have a firewall in place, Norton Internet Security 2005 which contains NAV 2005 and NPF 2005.

You say you have Zone Alarm Security Suite, which I understand is a good product, but did you configure the firewall for maximum security. I have found that the default "out of the box" configurations are, in most cases, not enough to protect a surfing PC.

A few years back, when I was using dial-up and only using an AV, I was looking at a fan site (Willow from Buffy) when I got hit by various things designed to take over my PC. Since then I have always reconfigured my AV and PF for maximum security.

Although these maximum settings makes surfing more difficult I feel that the extra security outweighs the inconvenience.

UK Bob

PS. SpywareBlaster & SpywareGuard are additional (free) security software that will help against browser hijackers.
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