I didn't know new south welshmen could be so unfortunate. lol

What you should have done is just selected your folder that your music was in & made that an extra share folder; ie: LW's menu bar, Tools>Options>Sharing & press Add & direct it to the music folder & selected it & press apply. Another way is to go to LW's Library window & go to menu bar, File>Add folder to share. See
How to Share Folders (click on link)
The reason RP probably can't play the songs is b/c you didn't copy the files but moved them. And since RP is a playlist player, ie: it refers to the position the songs were when they were added, if they are later moved then you can't play them b/c it can't find them. This is my guess anyway .. or something similar to this. So I'd suggest you move the files back to their original location & use my suggestion at the top.