no Brushed Metal option available for LWPro OSX v4.9.x Ditto with the several threads on the forums - I cannot get a Brushed Metal option to show in the View/ Apply Skins menu. The only OS X theme that shows is "Pinstripes Theme (OSX)".
(I have tried the 5 others in the menu, including the so-called "metal" but it, and all others are Windows motif.)
Lack of Brushed Metal skin function is under OS X Tiger 10.4.2, LimeWire Pro v 4.9.x (currently 4.9.28 which i think is the 'latest official' release). And I did do a complete 'clean-out' of last version before I installed the 4.9.28.
Note - this is even though the Preferences folder / LimeWire / Theme does include a file and folder for "brushed_metal_theme_osx". It just refuses to show as an option for actual display in LimeWire Pro itself.
(I cannot currently try under Panther, because I have switched machines, and only have Tiger OS for now).
Note that Brushed Metal OS X theme DID work under my LimeWire Pro 4.8.1 under Panther OS X 10.3.7. So something 'broke' either with the Pro v 4.9.x or with OS X Tiger 10.4.x
Is there some manual work-around procedure I can do?
Because my Pro term is pretty much expired, so I don't think I will be able to wait to download a future FIXED version on my current paid id. (and the messages in the threads have indicated that a fix is on the to-do list...)
Thank you. |